

Institute of Computer Science(ICS), Satara is founded by Mr. Sagar Desai with the vision of building a career of students in the field of IT.

The Institute has become a well established name in the arena of coaching for various Computer Languages.

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About ICS

Experienced Teaching Staff

Specialized & Expert Faculty having thorough knowledge & experience in guiding students for exams and interviews, apart from having in-depth knowledge of the particular subjects that they teach.

Pleasant ambience in classroom

Centrally located in Satara City and pleasant ambience in classroom.Personal attention, progress of every student is monitored and specific inputs provided as per requirement

Affordable fees

Affordable fees and Comprehensive coaching, full syllabus covered, practice tests and model paper solving.

Courses Provided

c language course in satara
c++  course in satara
java course in satara
php  course in satara